How to Use Avian Veil

We'll guide you through the simple steps to anonymize your transactions using our platform.

Step 1: Connect to Avian Labs Dashboard

First, make sure you're connected to the Avian Labs dashboard using your preferred wallet. For this example, we'll use the Phantom wallet—a reliable and widely used option within the Solana ecosystem.

Once connected, you're ready to begin the process of anonymizing your funds.

Step 2: Anonymize Your Funds

Navigate to the Anonymize Funds tab on the dashboard. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Enter the Amount: Specify the amount you wish to withdraw privately. In this example, we’re using 1.25 SOL.

  2. Approve the Transaction: Approve the transaction in your Phantom wallet. This action will deduct the specified amount from your wallet.

Once this step is complete, a key file will be automatically downloaded to your device. This key file is crucial as it is the only key generated for this transaction, and it will be required to withdraw your funds privately later on.

After the transaction is confirmed, you can view the details on Solana's explorer, ensuring full transparency even as you maintain privacy.

Step 3: Withdraw Your Funds

Now that your funds have been anonymized, it's time to withdraw them.

  1. Click on the Withdraw Tab: Locate the Withdraw tab in the dashboard. You’ll see your anonymized transaction listed (in this case, there should be only one).

  2. Initiate the Withdrawal: Click on Withdraw next to the transaction.

  3. Enter the Recipient Address: Specify the address where you want to send the funds.

  4. Upload the Key File: Use the key file you previously downloaded to authorize the withdrawal.

Finally, click on Withdraw and wait for the transaction to be processed on the blockchain.

Step 4: Confirm the Transaction

Once the transaction is processed, you’ll receive a notification confirming the successful withdrawal of your funds.

  • To review your private transactions, click on the Recent Transactions tab. This will show you all the details of your anonymized transactions.

  • For further verification, you can click on the transaction link to see the specifics of the latest withdrawal on Solana's explorer.


You’ve successfully anonymized and withdrawn your SOL within the Avian Labs ecosystem. With Avian Veil, maintaining privacy in your transactions has never been easier or more secure.

Ready to protect your transactions with Avian Veil? Click here to connect with Avian Labs and start anonymizing your funds today.

Last updated